Hannah Bihn

Welcome to my professional online portfolio. Here I have supplied background information detailing my
professional, educational, and personal life. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.

               My name is Hannah Bihn. My birthday is December 15, 1991 and I am a senior at Shepherd High School. I live in Shepherd and I am a very energetic and enthusiastic person. I am very passionate about what I do. I have three sisters and two brothers. I work well with others and do my part of the work.

            I have lived in the country side my whole life, so I am used to space. Since I am the youngest child in the family I have learned to share. I like to sing and have been in many church plays. I have grown up in a strong Christian home with both parents, who have been married over thirty years. A special moment in my life I remember is before my sister Bethany got married. We used to be very close and spent a lot of time together. Bethany was my favorite sister because she treated me as if I was the most important person in her life. She used to be my hero and the person I wanted to be. A person that has an impact in my life is my sister Heidi. She has always been a fun and crazy person who wasn't afraid to be seen. I want to be just like her, so her opinion means a lot to me.

            Right now I am still living at home. All of my siblings have moved out, so I live alone with my parents. Some of my goals are to be nicer to my dad, get exceptional grades, go to M.J. Murphy Beauty College and get a decent and respectable job. I want to be nicer to my dad is because he is getting older and I do not know when he will no longer be around. I want to get exceptional grades is so I can get scholarships and excel in college. I want to go to M.J. Murphy Beauty College because I enjoy doing hair, makeup and nails. I want a decent and respectable job is so I can have some luxuries such as television and animals.

            In the future I want to go to M.J. Murphy Beauty College and get a part time job. I want to do hair, makeup and nails because beauty products interest me. I want to get a part time job so I can start paying off loans, and so I do not end up in major debt. My family and friends believe I will do well in the career pathway I have chosen. Learning the right chemicals to mix so I can do hair may be difficult, but I’m prepared to handle whatever may be thrown my way. Having experimented with beauty products all my life I have learned what colors look better with certain features.

            My favorite quote is “Friends are the sunshine of life.” This is my favorite quote because my friends mean the world to me and inspire me to do better. As I have grown up I have realized that I will lose some friends and grow strong bonds with people I never thought I would talk to. One of my best friends is Jenny Kingsley. She moved away to Jackson four years ago, but we still stay in touch and spend time together every chance we get. When we are together it is as if she never left; we pick up the conversation right where we left off. My other best friend is Kayla Livernois. We have so much fun every time we are together and we are able to act crazy just for fun. Friends are my reasons to live.

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